Increasing Milk Production in Dairy Animals
Hy..! This is Dr Zahid Afzal today I would like to discuss a very frequent asking question about increase in milk production by both of Vets and the farmers, A detailed Video about this topic already uploaded on YouTube you can watch it by clicking here. So I want to clear that increasing milk production is not a rocket science, you don’t need to be highly experienced, qualified and a lot of expensive techs required here. Just by following simple steps you will be able to increase the milk production but along with this you can also maintain the boosted immune system of that animal. Increasing milk production is high demanding specially in Central Asia due to increasing consumption of milk. Here we need to look out at few steps or reasons firstly, that how these factors help in decreasing the milk production. Following are the reasons:
1. Stress:
Stress is basically a first reason for any animal to reduce her production even in gap of 24 hours. This stress may be clinical generated, environmental generated and food generated. So basically there is a need to determine the exact cause of stress by asking from the owner, and if you are the owner than you need to notice about any recent changes in clinical management, environmental changes and feed changes. If any of these happens than you can easily tackle up the issue and stop animal from reducing the further milk production.
2. Worms and Parasitic:
Worms and some of parasites which could be in blood, and could be present externally may cause the reduction of milk. By making a proper physical exam of animal i.e. by checking his eyes, stool and urination one can easily detect the presence of internal worms in that specific animal.
3. Minerals, Vitamins and Glucose Deficiency:
The third most important thing in this regard is minerals, vitamins and glucose deficiency. In this regard as we all knew that milk production is highly depend on these factors and ingredients. When we see the composition of milk we will found these ingredients as a major composition source of milk, we can say that milk cannot be produced without utilizing these three basic components.
Solution and Techs to increase the Milk Yield:
1. Remove the stress:
This may be seems like a difficult task but it is not, as mentioned above the basic reasons of stress. By removing the exact cause we can prevent the animal from all kind of sources which can reduce the milk production. Suppose it’s a environmental stress than provide the animal with a normal and suitable temperature in which animal would feel much better, if it’s harsh summer than provide some cooling effects and if its harsh cold than provide some heating techs. Suppose the cause is feed or food related than change the company of feed, you can start by reducing the quantity of feed. If by reducing the quantity of specific feed animal feels better than stop that feed and tries some other company if it doesn’t affect the production role than no need to change the feed. Suppose it’s a clinical stress like you have given some specific antibiotics or some specific medication to prevent any disease condition than these drugs could be a cause of stress and can reduce the milk production for example Gentamicin may reduce the milk production if use with Amoxcillin. So If you found that this stress is due to some medications than you can stop these drugs and ultimately it will increase the milk production.
2. Worms and Parasites:
As discussed above that these worms and parasites could also be responsible for reducing the milk production. So once it is detected that there is worm’s presence than you can easily get rid of it by using some specific de-wormers. Below is the list best de-wormers according to their results i.e. a) is best quality and b) is somehow less good. Following is the list:
a. Oxyclozanide combinations (Nelzan Plus)
b. Levamisole
c. Oxyfendazole
d. Ivermection/Duramectin
By using above de-wormers you can easily get relief from the worm’s issue of that animal. Ultimately this will increase the milk production and also it will improve the health of animal.
3. Minerals, Vitamins and Glucose Deficiency:
This is also the most easiest way to reach maximum production, and as you all know that its also not difficult to apply. Just provide the animal with good source of glucose and after that see the results. For other deficiencies you can use the mineral mixture, I would strongly recommend you that always use the mineral mixture which also include at least 8 to 10 vitamins in it. This will improve the milk production. Below is the list of best mineral mixtures which I have been using since last six years in Pakistan:
a. Bovimix Extra
b. White Gold
c. Azomite
d. Vito Mineral T
e. LS Minerals
f. Di Calcium Phosphate
Above are the good sources of minerals and vitamins. For the beef and mutton production I will discuss in a separate topic, as it’s a detailed topic. So by using these mixtures you can easily increase the milk production.
Below is the cumulative formula which we can use in all animals if they are in normal condition.
1. First of remove any stressful factor if present in your animal.
2. After this use a good de-wormer to clean up the entire body of animal like GIT and Blood.
3. Apply and give mineral mixture therapy to all animals as mentioned above.
So simply by using these three steps you can easily increase the milk production in all kind of dairy animals. As we know that only milk production is the only thing which every farmer need and if we help out him in this condition than this would be a great gift for a farmer.
Note: In any disease condition you can use the step 1 and 3 but the step 2 is highly recommended in those conditions only when there is a confirm presence of worms detected by Vet or owner.
I hope this article will help you a lot; I will be waiting for your feedback and precious suggestion. I would also request you to suggest me a topic on which you want me to write about.
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