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Diseases Of Poultry, A Colour Atlas



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Hi this is Dr Zahid Afzal from general veterinary hospital Lahore. Today I want to discuss with you a very common topic which we are dealing with from many years and we all know about the best possible treatments and treatment plans for this problem. One thing I want to explain here that this is not a disease it's just only a condition or you can say that it's only a symptom but sometime this symptom if not treated well could lead into a worst disease and Could result even to the deadly level so we should know the exact treatment plan and best possible conditions to deal with this type of symptom. Today's topic will be on hyperthermia and hypothermia I will discuss these two categories one by one so everyone can easily understand that what we can do in these conditions. Firstly I will discuss the hyperthermia it is the condition when normal body temperature rises from normal range to a higher range suppose we have a dog who's normal temperature should be 101 but when he reached at your clinic the temperature is 106 so what you will do now..? if you are planning to inject some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs then you may be having the wrong decision.

 The injections or the injectable medication in this temperature could react to animal’s health badly so avoid any type of injectable medication in acute hyperthermia condition. First of all you need to lower down the temperature of animal by using any kind of manual method that could be using a cold therapy and water therapy. In some cases we observed that whenever we gave shower to animal reacted to this procedure very badly and in some cases it Leads into a comma where is all senses got blocked. So instead of this you can just apply the cold therapy just only to the head of animal and you can use Enema that is inserting of water through anal opening.

 This will decrease the body temperature of dog to 104 and once it reached to this extent then now you can use injectable. The best medicine for lowering down the temperature in dogs is is ketoprofen ibuprofen meloxicam and flunixin meglumine. Along with this also used some oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to lower down the temperature further to normal extent. In oral medication you can use ibuprofen and meloxicam these are the safest drugs which can be used in dogs although now ibuprofen in cats is somehow toxic but by using in a safe dose we can overcome this factor. Now we will discuss about Hypothermia, hypothermia is also associated with many kinds of disease conditions which could lead to death of animal. So we should take it seriously and we should treat it accordingly. The best medication to boost up the body temperature is the use of multivitamins and use of amino acids. Both of these will lead to increase the body temperature from subnormal stage to the normal stage. We should also keep in mind that any kind of cold environment good make the hypothermia more acute so you should avoid giving any cold environment to the hypothermic patient who is having subnormal temperature. 

Many of us used steroid drugs like dexamethasone in this condition to make the animal’s immune system more stronger but ultimately these drugs for the lower down the body temperature that could result in death of animal. I would recommend that please don't use any type of steroids until or unless animal is in his or her last stage. Most of us will take this article as useless to them but some points in this article could lead to a good practice for them and I will recommend them to follow these instructions to keep their practice more higher as I told you earlier that importance of these disease conditions is very worse and very difficult if not detected properly. Apparently this symptoms appears in all kind of disease conditions but sometime they alone can create a big problem for owner and the vet.

  I want to discuss one of my case which I deal with hyperthermic condition and the owner was very worried. Upon asking them for a history they told me that they had a walk with dog almost for 3 kilometres in a slow running mode. Season on those days was summer and external temperature was around about 42 2 degree centigrade so after examining the dog the temperature was 108 which was quite high fever so we were unable to inject any type of medication or to give any type of fluid therapy so firstly we decided to lower down the temperature by putting a wet cloth on that dogs had and repeat this procedure for at least 15 times we also put a wet cloth on his anal opening after few hours like 2 hours the temperature became 104 after that we use the flood therapy and make him relax and by injecting different non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug the dog became ready to go home with his owner. The other symptoms of that dog includes the partial paralysis of back side which we recovered by giving oral calcium therapy and after normalizing the body temperature we use multivitamins which results into very good condition of that dog.

Sometimes some vets recommend directly putting the patient in cold ice tub which on instance could lower down the body temperature but later on it will badly affect the CNS of animal. The above therapy method along with suitable antibiotics and other related drugs can be use in Cat, Dogs, Sheep, Goat, Cattle, Buffalo, pigs, horses and wildlife mammals. For birds it’s not worthy but it may result into the death of birds. Basically my purpose of this article was that sometime we ignore Hyperthermia and Hypothermia conditions in our physical examination process due to which we became unable to get a positive report about animals from owners. This is just because we ignored a very important symptom. I hope this article will help you, keep in touch and give your feed back here in this blog.


Dr. Zahid Afzal  


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