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Here we go to the book Small animal Wound management and Reconstructive surgery, as we discussed today on my you-tube channel about the Maggot infestation wound’s management and it’s treatment. We also discussed about the best possible treatment of this kind of wound you can see the full video by Clicking here. Previously we discussed about the simple wound management but this kind of maggot infestation wounds is somehow different so it needs a separate video and separate topic. The book below is provided for a reference material by which can easily asses the that how internationally these kinds of wounds can be managed and how other vets are doing this.
In this regard about the today’s book I discussed that what is Maggot wound..? So basically we need to know to about that how a normal wound becomes a maggot infestated wound. Whenever a pet got a small scratch and small wound, and we let him/her remain outdoor and in a dirt facing environment where hundred and thousands of flies are present than this simple wound will be converted into a maggot infestated wound. As flies will lay eggs on that wound that will be converted into many larvae and these larvae start making small root canals inside the wound. Even though I personally observed that within 14 to 16 hours these maggots can eat a whole testicle. I also witnessed many different cases where complete tail got sloughed off after a small maggot infestated wound. So this kind of wound needs special care and special attention of vet. Here in this article many colleagues asked me about the written form of my video, so here I’m presenting it in another way. I hope this method will be obliged by the colleague vets. There are many other vets who can’t understand the URDU language so it will be easy for them also to understand my topic. What a Vet will do in this condition….? No matter how much we are qualified and trained sometime different types of cases like similar maggot wound case , can became a headache of a Vet and sometimes He/She is unable to handle the case. In this article I explained a very simple method by which we can easily manage these kinds of cases and even we can get a good response from the Owner.
What should a Vet do when he/she is facing the same problem, Following should be done step by step:
1. Wash the wound with Normal Saline aggressively, It will keep the wound environment clean and make it more regenerative in nature
2. After washing now dry the wound with a cotton swab so that we can easily remove the maggots manually
3. Now by using a Forceps remove all maggots from wound manually, by this one most important thing we will done that is freshening of the wound by which the healing and regeneration power of the cells will be boosted up to 10x. Without this technique wound will become very difficult to heal up as dead cells will be continuously disturb the healing process. So it is very important here that we should do the debridement process and freshening of wound process almost once day continuously for 3 to 5 days.
4. Now fill the wound with Powder. Trichlorofan (SAGAWAN/ECTOFAN in Pakistan) for 20-25 minutes. It will kill all the maggots even though which are present in the root canals and deep areas or under the skin. It also will kill the maggots which survived from the manual removal. So here is the basic thing is to again use the forceps to withdraw the killed maggots. Important thing is this powder is highly poisonous so in any condition please stay avoids licking of animal to his/her wound, unless u again washes the area/wound to remove this powder.
5. Now again wash the wound thoroughly with Normal Saline and Iodine Solution
6. Now fill the wound with Powder. Cicatrin (Pakistan) Bacitracin: 250IU/g, Threonine: 0.1% w/w, Acetylcysteine: 0.2% w/w, Neomycin: 0.5% w/w, Glyciene: 1% w/w. This powder gave a very good resultant healing process to me. And no doubt I always recommend this
7. Now apply the Cream. Mycitracin (Pakistan ) Bacitracin: 500IU/g, Lignocaine: 4% w/w, Polymyxin B(Sulphate): 5000 IU/g, Neomycin: 3.5mg/g,
8. Repeat the same procedure of step 1, 2,6, and 7, three times a day.
9. Use any antibiotic to prevent the infectious stage of wound; this antibiotic can be given parentally and orally. Use the suitable method which suits both the owner and Vet.
10. In deeper wound or more complicated wound you can use Lotion. Oxyferin (Pakistan) Tetrachlorodecaoxide: 0.052mg/5ml. This is fatser healing product for wounds which gives amazing results.
11. If your client afford than instead Cicatrin and Mycitracin or Oxyferin you can Use Gel. Dermagel or Spray Dermagel of Vetrenus Company. And after apply this you can use the aluminum natural biological bandage which will also prevent the flies. Although both these products are highly expensive but actually they gave outclass results.
12. You can use bandage to prevent the flies approach but try to keep the wound open as external oxygen can also fasten up the process of healing. By doing bandage the risk of skin damage will remain persist which can be further harmful and degenerative.
By using all the steps, patient will be recovered in 7 Days; keeping in mind that patient also needs an Antibiotic tablet which is preferably Augmentin to prevent any kind of infectious wound. Keep in mind that the diet also poses an important effect on wound management in Asian region like Pakistan and Inida Beef meat is a best policy and best diet to heal up the wound more rapidly.
Similarly the powder which is described in step 6 is highly poisonous so avoid the licking of animal to wound as it may cause a severe allergic reaction. So if anything happen likes this you can use injection Atropine Sulphate. For large animals you can use following sprays instead of Powd. Cicatrin and Cream Mycitracin
1. Pink spray
2. CTC Spray
3. Defender Spray
These will give good results in large livestock animals. I hope this article will help you in the field. I will wait for your feedback.
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